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EpII Fuzion Blades

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-07-19 22:07:00
11 просмотров
mod that changes the glow around the saber blades to achieve somewhat of a layered effect. Each saber’s color is enhanced by a different colored core. My personal favorite is the purple saber with red blur core. Nice looking with this effect. The blades themselves look clean and little bit slimmer to me than the default ones. This also has nice custom sounds. They were also cleaner sounding, as if the saber were “thinner.” Author indicates that included is support for “Tck Jedimod.” Download Factor: Nice effects and no bugs in testing. I like this enough to call it a keeper. Features: Added effects to sabers New sounds for sabers Happy gaming – Prom
Initial Analysis: A simple mini mod to add new saber effects, sound, and lighting. Description: Capitalizing on what Pheen-e-Kass and others have done in the past, Blue.dl gives us a saber
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