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Episode II Blades

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-16 22:09:00
7 просмотров
suited to drop in the JKA base directory, but fans of JK2 can appreciate this as well. Also, he added new sounds, and a variation of the blue saber (from Knights of the Old Republic) Great job! - Chrono Here's my previous review on it: [quote] The file is just like the title. This is an Episode II blade modification. And a darn good one too. I'm keeping this one installed, despite the author's lack of confidence. ^_^ It turns all the lightsaber glows into glows closer to that of Episode II. I've seen pretty much every blade modification out there, and by far this is my favorite. Hopefully TimK decides to do more for the community, especially when JKA finally hits the shelves. [/quote]
Right. This is by far a huge improvement over its predecessor, the original Episode II blade modification. Needless to say, Tim K STILL manages to make it look rather awesome and you would best be
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