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Jango\'s Escape

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-05-21 22:05:00
9 просмотров
unless they also have this file. It will also replace your menu screen music. Really the author describes it best: Quote: ----------------------------------- THIS MOD CHANGES YOUR DUEL MUSIC FOR MP TO THE MUSIC FOUND IN STAR WARS: EPISODE 2 ATTACK OF THE CLONES FIGHT BETWEEN OBI-WAN AND JANGO. DON\'T LET THE SIZE SCARE YOU, THIS MUSIC IS PRETTY GOOD, (IN MY OPINION) ----------------------------------- Personal Notes: Well, it does just what it says...changes the duel music to Jango\'s Escape. I already have a customized duel mp3, so this one was of little use to me, however it is an excellent score, and obviously very fitting to the JK2 world. Main thing is, on a pure server, you will still hear the default music unless this file is also on the server. You will hear this music when in your menu screen, before starting or joining a server. Bot Support: N/A Team Colors: N/A New Sounds: YES (Duel Music) ~LordWraith~
Shadow_Knight5000 brings us Jango\'s Escape music for your dueling pleasure. This mini mod changes your duel music from the default to \"Jango\'s Escape\". Note: This won\'t fuction on pure servers
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