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Mace_Stances Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-02-25 23:02:00
8 просмотров
stances for the most part to be very cool. The red stance is unfortunately that awkward over-the-head saber stance common to some of the other mods, but the rest of the changes were excellent. The back roll is more of a back flip, and the side-roll is a bit more of a cartwheel. While standing idle, the model moves as if he is breathing, which I found to be a VERY refreshing change. I found none of the modifications to affect my game negatively at all, and since this is strictly a client-side mod, no one else will be able to see the adjustments in your behavior without installing it as well. This is one of the few mods that I think I\'ll be keeping, because in spite of that over-the-head red stance, everything else is a welcome improvement. Astyanax
As Mace_Windu21 explains it, you\'ll find the following new changes to in-game animations: 1. Idle saber stances. 2. Rolls. 3. A few other odds and ends. I tested the Mod, and found the
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