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Sounds Remix V2

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-03-31 22:03:00
6 просмотров
you and he added another pk3 which changes the duel music to a dance version of Duel Of The Fates. The blades are redesigned in hopes of creating the same look as the AOTC saber blades. As you can tell by the screenshots I took the saber core is much wider then the originals. The TCK versions are added for those of you who use mods. Overall this is a great update to an already great file. Gotta love the new sounds brings a breath of fresh air to my JK2 experience. Good Job keep up the good work. Maddog
Aidy has released his newest version of his sound remix entitled Sounds Remix V2. Some of the changes that were made are the jetpack sounds were made a little louder so noobs couldn’t sneak up on
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