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Dark Origins Total Conversion

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-12-15 23:12:00
10 просмотров
The story has been rewritten, the voices are all new and the dialogue in the cut scenes has been changed. Much to my entertainment when I reached that one scene with the bartender. *giggle* The only other file that obijon1138 has released was a skin pack of Mandalorians. I wasn't too impressed with that, but that was a long time ago. And this SP mod/TC almost never saw the light of day. I'm glad you released it though, John. It's a great mod that breathes new life into an overplayed and essentially dead SP game. I mean, this is worth the download simply to watch the cut scenes and stuff. The voice acting was decent and the story was intriguing. Sure, it's a little buggy, but it wasn't anything too bad. Yes, this file is big. Yes, I'm way late getting this file on our site. I'm kinda glad I'm late though. Maybe this will make File of the Week. Who knows? Download it, play it and then rate it. If you rate it based on the screenshots, I will hunt you down and ... give you a noogie or something. And I've got to applaud you John for giving credit to all those you borrowed from. I don't think one name was left off of your readme. Great job! I hope to see maybe some original SP campaigns from you. That would be awesome. ~AmosMagee
Where do I begin? Hmm, this is one of the best SP mods/TCs I've seen yet. I'd prefer to just call it Sith Outcast, but its name is Dark Origins. You play as Darth Maul and your sidekick is a Droid.
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