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Killer's Weapons Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-06-24 22:06:00
9 просмотров
to test this baby out. I'll admit that it's been so long that I don't recognize some of the weapon names from the original, but they're plenty of fun even if you don't recognize them. Jukebox of Doom, Weapon of Mass Destruction, Thunderbolt... all in good fun. Some technical specs: KWP features unlimited ammunition, making killing your opponent a bit harder, since you can't rely on someone running out of ammo. There is also a grappling hook. I didn't have the pleasure of testing that, but instructions on its use are in the read-me file. With the grapple hook comes no falling damage. Many parts of JO which were not in JK have been removed, such as several weapons, pickups, and some aspects of Force push. Now for my gripes. Surprisingly I found despite these gripes I liked the mod well enough. My main gripe is the skinning of the weapons. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad or anything, it just could have been better. This is true with a lot of weapon mods. The models themselves were pretty good. With the skins I found that, for my tastes, the skinner had over-emphasized the chrome look to the point where, for me, it didn't look as realistic. Other than that there really wasn't much I could find wrong with it. Oh, a note to all: be careful where you fire some of these weapons. A few of them have huge splash damage, and the Weapon of Mass Destruction... what a recoil! ~Inyri [b]NOTE: Make sure to read the read-me thoroughly for more information, as well as important installation instructions.[/b]
How many of you remember playing the Killer Weapons Pack in good ol' Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight? I do. Boy that was a fun mod. Well here we have it, remade for Jedi Outcast, and I was quite excited
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