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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-29 00:08:00
5 просмотров
in an eye-pleasing fashion. Let\'s take a gander, shall we? First off, as you can undoubtedly see from the provided screens (modelview.cfg is a godlike helper when it comes to taking screenshots, I tell ya), the skins are pure recolors of the original Desann skin. I checked all three skins against Desann, and they\'re all identical to the old, with the exception of coloration. As I am fond of saying, this isn\'t altogether a negative thing, but then, it isn\'t altogether a positive one either. I couldn’t find one single item that was added to these skins; they are simply colorized versions of the original. But that\'s all just production. What matters most is: how is the final design? The answer\'s simple: the colors really, REALLY clash. Not that we\'re all fashion buffs in any way, shape, or form; let\'s face it, no serious male gamer (females are a very welcome exception to this rule, and subsequently are not included in this off-the-top-of-my-head statistic) could ever be found trying desperately to match his tee-shirt and sweatpants. That\'s normally because, in almost all cases of online gaming, it\'s not you, but your avatar that everyone sees. Ergo, you want your avatar to look pretty spiffy, right? If you answered yes, leave this skin alone. Flashy gold and white over aquamarine flesh and a combination of red, green, and blue clothing: a match made in fashion heck (Note to all review police: please note the tasteful lack of vulgar language in this review. Thank you, and have a pleasant day.) The proverbial bottom line: Atlas may love his own skin, but chances are you\'ll find it a little too gaudy for your preferences. Bot Support: NO New Sounds: NO Team Colors: YES - Dan \"ViperEye\" Tennant
From skinner Atlas comes a new skin named, well, Atlas. A hodgepodge of colors and sights, the skin tries at being fresh, different, and unique, and succeeds at being all three, though not exactly
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