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Dark One

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-13 00:09:00
12 просмотров
all the detail and that it looks like a skull :O. This skin is very sith like mainly because DarkOne is a sith. The detail shown on the clothing is amazing except for the hood it was a bit plain, but at least the face is great :). There of course is bot support, team colors that look pretty good, and new sounds. The taunt was kind of hard to understand, but it sounds really evil. The team colors are a bit plain because he just changed the color of the clothing, but all the other things cover up for that. His boots look sort of like stone, which gives it a cool touch. Overall this is the skin for all you sith lovers or if you just want to see DarkOne playing :). This is a great skin for everyone, it has everything you could want or need in a skin. It has all those beautiful details with it too. I really liked seeing that it looked like he put in a lot of effort into this skin. He made the skin look perfect there were no bad glitches, there was nothing that looked bad, and there was good detail on the skin. For all you sith out there go and download this skin it’s a great looking skin and for all you DarkOne fans get the skin too. Well Dark good job you really made this skin look evil and I don’t think that you can make it any more evil than that. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your work in JK3/JKA. Also we must give credit to Ravage for making the original skin and Maddog for helping with the skin -XgamerX New Sounds: Yes Team Colors: Yes Bot Support: Yes
DarkOne brings us his evil skin with a little help from our own Maddog. It is the third version of his skin. It looks great for a reborn skin especially the face when I looked at the face I noticed
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