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Dark Shadow v3.0

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-29 00:08:00
3 просмотра
familiar with the first version. Oddly enough though, I\'m actually quite fond of the team skins - even more so than the default. When I first saw the default skin, I thought it looked like a large Jawa. *giggle* Which is actually a good thing, because I didn\'t notice right away that it\'s actually a Reborn. And you all know how I feel about Reborn skins. :) The custom sounds are great and really fit this skin and my first thought of an oversized Jawa. With bot support included too (which seems to be something of a rarity in skins these days), this is a very complete skin. :) Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Yes ~AmosMagee
With snakeskin-like pants and Jawa-like glowing yellow eyes, SmokeRingHalo\'s latest version of his Dark Shadow skin is a decent little package. I can\'t say it\'s an improvement, since I\'m not
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