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Laming Virus

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-06-21 00:06:00
5 просмотров
skin. The author, decided to discard the rest of his skins, and port this one for all you Jk2 players out there. To quote Averus' previous review of this skin: [quote]This one was rather interesting because it seems to have a strange glowing shader on it. As you will be able to see in a lower screenshot, it looks really trippy (and awesome) when you use Force Speed. Something I would sorta expect from a virus.[/quote] So there you have it, while it is another reborn reskin, it's unusual in it's use of shaders. If you use Force Speed a lot, this one might just be for you. ~Metall Pingwin
If you remember the [url="http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/Random_Skin_Pack;79790"]Random Skin Pack[/url] by phonock for Jk3, you'll remember that among others, it included the Laming Virus
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