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New Ninja

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-03-16 00:03:00
11 просмотров
moderately-high-poly full 3D model in a real-time strategy game which uses primitive low-poly models for units.... *sigh* I uploaded this file to the wrong site. Twice. Y\'see, this is what happens when you get sidetracked. Bah. Next time I do that, hit me with a stick. Right, so. Ninja. No, not an almighty Law Ninja of prosecutioniness, sadly. But a ninja is a ninja. *ahem* Firstly, I\'d like to point out that this is a reskin of an older ninja skin. And it\'s not bad. Neither was the original, and this is mostly just a tweak, so it\'s still very cool, considering it\'s a reborn reskin. The most striking difference I can see between this file and the old one (hard to compare, the old file uses the old method of adding screenshots to a file description - which is crap, to be honest) is that the ninja has longer sleeves. That was the first thing I noticed. Upon closer inspection I could also see that the texturing generally looked better than the old version - I can\'t really explain how, though, it\'s just easier on the eyes somehow. =/ The second thing I noticed was that the left arm has been altered to have a bandage. I spotted one immediate error with the default skin, and that is that there\'s a very noticable seam between the upper arm and the shoulder on both arms. The third change is the team colors. Ninja-like they ain\'t, but they look cool and clearly show the players team. I can see no visible errors with them aside from problems caused by the reborn model. Well, overall it\'s a nice skin, so if you like ninja, this may interest you. ~ Kouen [b]Bot Support:[/b] No [b]Team Colors:[/b] Yes [b]Custom Sounds:[/b] Yes
Well, I have to say, this is possibly the most interesting file for Rise of Nations which has been released in a long time. Although I\'m a little curious as to how one would go about installing a
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