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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Ripper Tyranids

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-05-26 00:05:00
5 просмотров
to make the minemonster look like a Tyranid, although from a few Google image searches, I didn't see a lot of resemblance. Granted, you would need a new model to do Tyranids any justice, and since this is just a reskin, it's the closest NPC there is. So no gripes there. Three different pk3s are included that each reskin the Tyranid with the corresponding color scheme. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the skinning work seems like it's just a recoloring of the base NPC. I assume the color scheme follows that of the Tyranids, but I can't be sure. Have a look at the screenshots to see what's offered - you just might like it. ~Dretzel
I play DOW just about every week, but I haven't had the chance to play the Tyranid mod yet. Looks like it could be pretty fun. This is a pack of three reskins of the minemonster npc. It's supposed
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