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Jedi Knight II
Skin Packs
The ShroomDuck Inc. Skin Pack!

The ShroomDuck Inc. Skin Pack!

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-08-10 00:08:00
8 просмотров
words: [quote]To go along with our pack of 28 maps, we put together a skin pack. These include the "Jedi Lick," "Kavu Reborn," "Boognish," "Green Storm," "Rhiom," and 6 "Multi-Colored" Wookiees. These skins were made either by members of the team or donated by friends of the team. [/quote] Let's cut to the chase. For the most part, these seem to be recolors with logos and names added. They don't look bad, though...most of the time when someone slaps a logo on something it immediately becomes a horrifying thing to look at. Not so here. [b]Rhiom:[/b] I liked this one. I don't remember what base model it is, but the skinning job is nice. The clothing is nearly all grayscale - minimal use of color. It actually looks very nice that way...stands out in it's own fashion. The name Rhiom is skinned onto the belt twice and a large logo on the back reads the same. [b]Jedi Lick:[/b] I think this one came out the best of them all. It's a reborn reskin, but with green and yellow as the main colors. On the hood there are a few yellow lines, and on the chest there is a "Lick" symbol. In case you hadn't guessed, Lick is a clan for JO. Oh, and on the back, it says "lick me". [b]Kavu Reborn:[/b] Another reborn reskin, but this one isn't bad either. The main skin consists of a neon yellow-green, with a blue design on it. On the hood and on the front, there are some green spots, and on the chest there is another insignia, this one a "K". [b]Boognish:[/b] Final reborn reskin in the pack. The face is likened to that of the boognish, while the clothes are green and dark cyan. It's a shame the face isn't more accommodating of that huge mouth...it would certainly look better without the lips and nose in the way. The hood doesn't help either, I guess...but c'mon, to do it justice, you need a whole new model. [b]Green Storm:[/b] More like Mountain Dew Trooper! It's a stormie, and he's all green with yellow trim and accents. There's a logo that looks to me like MD on the back, hence the nickname. [b]Multi-colored Wookiees:[/b] Well, in the most critical sense, it looks like these were simply given a few photoshop filters. In the least critical sense, you now have six furry colors to chase people around with: blue, green, orange, purple, red and gold. For what seems like a collection of personal skins, this isn't bad. If you like ShroomDuck Inc. (and you better XD), then check these out. You just might like them. ~Dretzel
Well, this one's rather late (my fault, imagine that), but it's finally here. ShroomDuck Inc. has also sent in a skin pack to go with version 2 of ShroomDuck's Map Pack. In the author's
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