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Headquarters for JKA

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-25 00:10:00
6 просмотров
Storm\'s latest map, Headquarters is less than what we\'ve come to expect from him. The map seems to be one big hallway, with the sides being mirror images of each other. There are many staircases and ramps up and down the hall and small doors that lead to practically empty rooms with more staircases and platforms for dueling. There seems to be at least two ways of getting to each room here. The only thing added for decoration seems to be those big statues and then some custom textures with the logo and stuff on \'em. Speaking of textures, there are some missing. :/ Moving onto another room and it seems that it\'s kind of a shrine to a player. In my opinion, there\'s only one really interesting place for a duel or FFA and that\'s outside with that one huge statue of Ragnos. At the other end of the map is the same room as what you see in the beginning, but with snow. Sometimes there are maps with a monotonous look to them, but still have great gameplay. As I\'ve said many times before, eye candy doesn\'t make a map great. But in this case, this map has nothing going for it. No bot support, no new music, the new textures do nothing to add to the ambiance of the map and finally, the map isn\'t fun to play. The layout seems awkward, being just one big hallway with rooms here and there and no real center for FFA\'s. You seem to have some fans out there, Storm, so maybe this is just a small hitch and you\'ll really impress us with your next map. :) Bot Support: No New Textures: Yes New Music: No Game Types: FFA, TFFA ~AmosMagee
The Headquarters for JK2 was a well-liked map. Many downloaded it and it kept a high rating. A recently released map by Storm, Outpost, also has a decent rating. So I\'m baffled that the quality in
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