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Bothan Jedi

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-01 00:10:00
8 просмотров
some continuing. What a great first player model to receive from the mod community. :) Jason Fryer, along with many others who he mentions in the readme, created this Bothan Jedi with many different looks. The default skin is what one would expect of a Bothan Jedi, methinks. :) Long flowing robes, a stern look on his face and ornamental adornments in his hair. The team versions of the skin remain obviously Bothan, but both seem to be less, ornate, somehow. And with less fur, or at least, it appears as if there\'s less fur, it make these version seem almost, younger. The blue skin is hooded. Included also are a female version and another simply called male, though I assume the default and the team skins are also male. The female Bothan is a redhead with a decidedly more feminine body. Really though, the smaller waist is the only feature that differentiates her from the male Bothans. Yay for the first JA model! I can\'t wait to see what else Jason Fryer and other modelers come up with. Bot support is included, and as I mentioned before, there are team skins and other hidden skins included. Unfortunately, this uses, I think Kyle sounds. :/ Everything about this model is great, except that. The taunt just really pulled me out of the moment, y\'know? So with that said, I look forward to the next version of the Bothan. ;) Great work! Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: No ~AmosMagee
Bothans, best known for their fur-covered faces, are a loyal species. Family and the clans they are a part of and serve are very important to them. With JA just out, there are many clans forming and
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