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Flame-Thrower Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-17 22:10:00
9 просмотров
little about this mod. The mini-mod by Dark_maul replaces force lightning in JKA with the Flamethrower from Bobba Fett in SP (or at least that’s what it looks like.) Now, coding being my worst subject in editing, I can’t really tell you whether or not taking one in game shader and putting into the place of another is difficult, although I wouldn’t think it is. Still as far as I’m concerned this was a good idea and it turned out good. I even like it better then the normal lightning. This is a very clean and professional looking mod, and the flame looks like it could be right out of the game (this COULD have to do with the fact that it is.) Basically, if your looking for something to spice up your game, I would defiantly recommend this. Great idea Maul, hope to see more from ya. ~DeathBringer
I think I’ll start this mod with a famous quote, “another mod another dollar.” Now you may be asking what this has to do with anything, and the answer is… nothing. Now that that’s all over with, a
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