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Matrix Start-up Screen

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-17 22:10:00
8 просмотров
you’ll remember when Neo went to see the Oracle, he first encountered the strange man with the white clothes. When looking at the code he saw that this guy wasn’t human, but was some sort of craziness in the Matrix. Anyway, a crazy fight broke out and all was excellent. So now you can see the coded guy here before you begin to play Jedi Academy. While the overall design was well done, I really would have liked to have seen some new buttons. That’s one of the main things I see missing from start-up screens. At least it has a new sound thrown in, which is pretty cool. If you like The Matrix and it’s sequel this is a pretty good start-up screen if you want to bring the movie in with you. - Daku
Just in time for The Matrix Reloaded on DVD, we have a Matrix Reloaded start-up screen for Jedi Academy. For those of you that have seen the film this will probably look very familiar to you. If
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