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Sith Fleet Launcher

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-11 00:03:00
14 просмотров
interdictors lying in the background. Again a nice idea, but a number of details could use fixing - namely the white outlines along the edges of all the Republic ships, and the odd angles they\'ve been positioned at. The way they are looks like something out of a 2-D comic, (in that one side of them is all that\'s shown), while the angles the Sith interdictors are fully 3-D. It comes out looking rather odd that way. Again, a relatively good launcher design, but it could use some fixes. Note: Please remember to give the author of the mod feedback, as the download count isn\'t particularly verbose. Written comments tend to be much more useful and encouraging. -Emperor Devon
The launcher here is fairly good in concept and layout, but could use a number of minor improvements. As seen in the screen it has swarms of Sith fighters converging on Republic frigates, with Sith
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