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Female Mandalorians

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-08 00:03:00
12 просмотров
player character and some Mandalorian tells you that you would have been a good one too. What’s funny is that you never saw female Mandalorians in [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i]. Enter Inyri Forge! :p Inyri is back to give us what the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] (and the second, but this isn’t for that game) lacked and that is female Mandalorians. Hey, even the males need some loving; plus they need sons and daughters to carry out Mandalorian traditions. Inyri took the male model and made some changes to it to give you the female version. The most noticeable feature right away is the breasts. I’m betting that is what most everybody will notice first when seeing the screenshots whether or not they choose to admit it. :p There are some other details you can notice is the more slender body and some female shaping traits that you really have to look to notice. Some masculine traits have been left behind, but as the author has stated herself that she did that on purpose because if a female had to wear that armor all the time, they’re going to be very strong and have some good sized muscles. ;) The only place where you will see some female Mandalorians in the game from what I can see is Dantooine if you look at the names of the UTC files the author has edited. The author even customized a sound set for them so they will sound female when attacking you. The TSL Patcher is used to install this mod to make some very necessary compatibility changes for your game. You will need a saved game before going out on the Dantooine plains for these changes to take effect. Make sure you read the instructions in the readme file. Enjoy the mod! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Mandalorians were an interesting type of people. They liked to wear full body armor and live for battle to gain honor in the eyes of their fellow brethren. What’s interesting is if you’re a female
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