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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Light Lightning Cannon

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-11-20 00:11:00
3 просмотра
JK:A and it was really good. Basically this is a brand new gun model for Kotor2. The lack of any shaders is dissapointing, but i feel that shaders are an extra bonus. I know how inryi loves her shaders;) Hopefully this will be remedied if the author releases more models. But you dont really need them because it still looks great :P. It says in the readme that [quote]Once I'm comfortable with the compilation process I'll start making weapons specifically for KotOR.[/quote] More great news :D So everyone go download this. It's a very nice addition to the game.[/quote] So boot up your old copy of Kotor and away you go. Enjoy :D - JediKilla
Here is the updated version of the Light Lightning Cannon that was made for Kotor2. It now works for Kotor. [quote]Yay! New models for the game are always welcome :P. I remember playing this for
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