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Darth Xander's Lightsaber

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-05 00:01:00
12 просмотров
fair number of rather superfluous hilts out and it's good to see one that looks like something most Jedi would use. The hilt has also been implemented into the game as a custom item by Darth Xander. This part of the mod I don't think is done quite as well; the lightsaber's properties are extremely overpowered or rarely useable. The instance of the later is the attack and damage bonus (both of +5, quite high) against light side opponents. Not the most useful of features, as it's very rare that you'll fight a light-sided enemy in KotOR (if ever). But overall that's for the better, as the lightsaber has a 100% chance of stunning anything it hits for 4 rounds with a DC of 100 (which absolutely no NPC can make unless they role a natural 20, which there's only a 5% chance of). Since your character can attack [i]every[/i] round, this makes the item extraordinarily unbalanced. The lightsaber also grants a Force point regeneration bonus of 10, pretty much ensuring you'll never run out of Force energy. But with the all-but-unsaveable stunning lightsaber there's no longer much need to use them. In short, it's a god item. Combat should become more of a chore than anything else using it. The hilt is good and I like it a lot, but the stats for the lightsaber absolutely have to be toned down. Character-building in d20 games is an [i]art[/i] form, but the whole thing is made pointless if you're using an item that ensures you'll always win regardless of your choices. A 1.1 release with something more reasonable (say, a 25% chance of landing a DC 14 stun) would probably make this much more appealing to more traditional players. Note: Please remember to give the author of the mod feedback, as the download count isn't particularly verbose. Written comments tend to be much more useful and encouraging. -Emperor Devon
New saber models are always good, and here's another one by Quanon and Xander. The design isn't very over the top (in fact it's rather simple), but I think in this respect less is more. There's a
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