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Knights of the Old Republic
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Endar Spire Retexture - Weapons - Creatures Mod

Endar Spire Retexture - Weapons - Creatures Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-06 23:01:00
7 просмотров
that it makes it a little easier to go through and actually have fun in I welcome it with open arms. Anyway to get to the point, Vornskrs' Revenge, one of our newest additions to the Kotor2Files.com family brings us that needed upgrade with this new mod he has sent our way. It does look a little odd but when you think about it but when you actually get into the level... its still looks a little odd... wow I guess this is an odd mod.:lol: Well anyway besides it's oddness it is fun and for a first time area designer I have to greatly commend him for it.:D This mod does have some pretty cool qualities though , it definitely bumps up the number of enemies in the level and if that were not enough it will make you stronger for Taris... which means the arena matches that you can choose to fight will be a breeze! Really though I do have to say this is a pretty awesome mod to throw out for a debut mod. So Vornskrs' Revenge I want to congratulate you on making such an awesome mod and also welcome you to our growing family of modders. Now as for all of you reading this and wanting to download this mod, enjoy!:D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -SithRevan
I think one of the most boring levels in Kotor 1 is the Endar Spire... it just never had that kick that it needed to actually make fun. So needless to say when somebody can upgrade it to the point
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