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Rancorman\'s Items

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-10 23:03:00
12 просмотров
opportunity to talk about it while uploading it to the site. This is one of those moments. Rancorman makes his FileFront debut by messing around with the Sandral Estate. That is where you rescue Shen Matale. Inside the estate, there is a Rodian that carries a new lightsaber, robe, implant, and gloves. The robe is not a Jedi style robe, it’s a Darth Revan hoodless model style with the Dark Lord texture. The lightsaber is a long red bladed; Darth Malak style. The other items will give you bonuses that can help you in your journey. This is the part where I would have never thought someone would do. Put a Rodian in a private home. Visitors are discouraged, let alone a Rodian that looks out of place. Still, the work behind this mod is good based on the fact that this is the author’s first ever mod. With practice and patience, this author can go far. Enjoy the mod! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Sometimes I see some interesting imaginations when it comes to modding. Things I would have never thought anybody would think to do. Then they do it and I see the results of it and get the
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