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Revan\'s Choice - Endar Spire

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-02-19 23:02:00
8 просмотров
we need to find Bastila and get to the escape pods. Later Trask dies and you make your way through the ship and meet up with Carth Onasi and escape the Endar Spire just in time before it is blown to bits. Now, what if the story of what happens is changed? How about having another Jedi in your party from the get go to help you and Carth on your journey. This Beta mod by DarthJebus05 gives you just that. It’s based off of a mod called [i]Revan’s Choice[/i], which the author released [url=http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Revans_Choice_Video;84942]a video[/url] of what the mod is about. This beta mod just gives you the beginning by making the changes just to the Endar Spire and of course you get to have a Jedi to help you out at the beginning. The storyline has changed a bit on the Endar Spire. You have to help this Jedi defeat some Dark Jedi before you get the chance to escape the Endar Spire and head to Taris. This Jedi won’t join you until after Trask’s death. This new Jedi does come with custom audio dialogue just like [i]Recruitable Kay[/i] does. There are some special installation instructions with this mod, so please take the time to read the readme to know where you put certain files to make this mod work properly. Enjoy the beta mod! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
What fond memories I have the first time I ever played [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i]. My character wakes up and is immediately told by Trask Ulgo that the Endar Spire is under attack and that
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