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The Romancing of Bastila

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-03-22 23:03:00
51 просмотр
vicariously through a male Revan and his romance of Bastila Shan in the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game. Now that the members of FileFront who visit KotorFiles on a regular basis that I have offended are going to take me to a back alley and beat the crap out of me, I would like to request to talk about this mod first before you do. This mod focuses on the romance of Bastila in the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game and about her unused dialogue that was left over in the game by BioWare. Some of the elements talked about in the previous paragraph are on this site with different sets of mods. What this mod does is combine those elements into one mod which uses mod contents from Master Kavar, T7nowhere, and myself; all used with permission and compiled by Darth Shan and Swfan28. You have the romance glitch fix, the enhancement of the visual kiss you can have with Bastila, a fix to Bastila’s mother so she isn’t wearing a Jedi style robe, and the opportunity to take Bastila on the planet of Korriban if you decide to visit the Sith planet before being captured by the Leviathan. Oh, and if you want to romance Bastila as a female Revan, you can with this mod. ;) Well, I pretty much covered what I needed to about this mod, so I’m going to go get a running head start and then you can try to catch me. One last thing – enjoy the mod! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Here is your fair warning and that is this review contains spoilers. I would like to first mention that this mod is dedicated to all the horny men out there who can’t get a girlfriend so they live
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