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Knights of the Old Republic
Darth Bandon's Robe and Sith Master Armor

Darth Bandon's Robe and Sith Master Armor

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-02-26 23:02:00
63 просмотра
this is more of a fix, I'll quote from Shem's original review: [quote] My first impression when I first saw the Darth Bandon style armor on the Xbox version of KOTOR three years ago (has been that long already?) was, “That is sweet looking armor.” What’s interesting is when I killed Darth Bandon the first time ever and I checked his inventory and saw “Darth Bandon’s Armor”, and I leaped for joy. I couldn’t wait till I tried it on. Then putting it on was a disappointment because the appearance didn’t look anything like the armor Bandon was wearing. Major let down from my personal experience. Now, how many people had that type of experience like I did? If you did, problem solved. Archer has made this type of armor available for those who really love that style of armor, and it comes in different colors too (wished the author provided screenshots for all the colors you would be getting to better promote this mod). :D [/quote] One thing particularly worth mentioning about this mod is that it uses no 2DA files, so there's no issue of compatibility there :D . On the other hand, it replaces the Star Forge robes, so if you have another mod in your Override which replaces them this mod will overwrite it. Definitely one to download if you've ever wanted to play KotOR with Darth Bandon's robes, or were disappointed when you couldn't get them in the game originally. [b]N.B.[/b]: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative. -Darth InSidious
Archer returns with an update to his Darth Bandon's Robe and Sith Master Armor mod. Originally released way back in 2005, this version fixes the previous version, which Shem reviewed in 2006. Since
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