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Knights of the Old Republic
Force Powers
Remove Restriction to Force Powers by Armors for K1

Remove Restriction to Force Powers by Armors for K1

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-06-19 22:06:00
18 просмотров
you\'ll know what this mod does. That is if the title was not telling enough. Anyway, my mod was previously refused because of the lack of screenshot. So I\'m being ironic: I\'ll send some while the pic servers are down. All you really need to know: armors wont restrict your use of the force anymore. This mod will install easily and will be compatible with force mods that don\'t modifies the same thing than mine. For information, it\'s in spells.2da (use kotor tools), column \"forbiditemmask\". Let me restate that I don\'t want comments on the concept. This mod DO remove restrictions, no matter what it does to the ballance. I did this mod mostly to be able to run the long distance without having to remove armor. If you feel like its cheating, don\'t use the mod or better yet, don\'t use them when you feel that you are cheating using them in game. Any helpful advice will naturally be heard in other cases than the above mentioned. Happy gaming!
[IMG]http://www.lucasforums.com/picture.php?albumid=731&pictureid=8042[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.lucasforums.com/picture.php?albumid=731&pictureid=8043[/IMG] If those pictures can be seen, well,
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