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Invisible Reticles for K1 and K2

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-07-06 22:07:00
7 просмотров
"flashing arrows" which appear over non-player charachters within the KotOR environment. This is of course a very much opinion orientated modification, depending on if you like or mind the floating arrows of the interface. Personally I'm not a fan so I very much like this particular modification, which comes with various options, to quote the author here is the difference; "-VERSION 1: The one I recommend, this removes most of the face-obscuring stuff, but leaves a faint circle over any target you put the pointer over. It also appears over the current selected target when you put the pointer over the attack menu. -VERSION 2: This removes even the faint reticle, whether or not you have your mouse over the target." All in all, I recommend this modification, however as it is an aesthetic modification which comes very much in the realm of subjective opinion a review of the screenshots would be most beneficial in ascertaining if this is a modification you would like to see in your particular game. Enjoy! -- jonathan7 Please leave the author praise and constructive criticism; which are often far more valuable than rating mods... [b][url=http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/news/For_Your_Ease_of_Refernece_the_Mod_Rating_System_in_a_Nutshell;39957]Mod Rating[/url]: Basic[/b]
DarthEnervus makes their KotOR Files debut with a very original and inventive modification for both of the Knights of the Old Republic games. Essentially this modification removes a lot of the
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