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Chiss Conversion

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-05-03 22:05:00
8 просмотров
author here, but I did check the work on both mods and it is legit, so no worries if others are wondering themselves. Now, here are the little bugs in this mod that I should warn you about: First – The author did make an underwear skin to replace the male Asians which means if you use another male Asian skin, it will have the human Asian head with a Chiss legs, arms, and torso. Second –The author did the skin for the Scout class, so if you wanted to be a Soldier or a Scoundrel, you’re going to have a mismatch when in your underwear. When reading the readme file, it would seem the author does know this, so it is anybody’s guess why he decided against doing the other two. These little hitches will decrease the demand to want to download this mod. If the author does want to go back and work on those issues, I’m certain that this mod will get more downloads. This mod does have custom portraits and subtle looking dark side transitions. Enjoy! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Please welcome Blacklight as he is making his FileFront debut. This new skin replaces the 5th male Asian skin with a Chiss. Yes, Inyri Forge did a Chiss head using the same head base as our newest
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