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Carth's Formal Uniform

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-06-08 22:06:00
14 просмотров
Karath, and the author has changed the uniform a little to be more appropriate to the Republic. The uniform takes the place of the Star Forge Robes for Carth, so if you turn him into a Jedi using a mod, this is what he would wear in place of those robes; conversely, if you equip this to any other party member or the playable character, they will be wearing the Star Forge Robes. The uniform can be bought from Kebla Yurt on Taris, and the mod employs the TSLPatcher to make installation easier. The mod is well-made, although it's a little strange for Carth to have a uniform so similar to that of an Admiral, but this is a small nitpick; if you've ever wanted Carth in uniform rather than his usual outfit, this is the mod for you. [b]N.B.[/b]: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very in[b]formative. -Darth InSidious
Marius must be busy at present, because he's brought us another mod, this time for KotOR. This one gives Carth a formal uniform, as well as his usual clothes. The uniform is based on that of Admiral
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