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K1 Lost Modules Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-12-31 23:12:00
11 просмотров
production of games, content gets cut. Some of the cut content are modules. Darth InSidious decided to get those cut areas and restore them for us to explore. Now, I’m not too familiar with what has been cut from the game, so bear with me. One of the areas you can explore that was cut was a module that is from a Tatooine Temple. Now I would imagine that when the Rakatans were putting Star Maps across the galaxy that BioWare had this idea that they built a temple too. Well, as it was they decided to put the Star Map in a cave and have it guarded by a Krayt Dragon. Czerka had a depot that was cut from the game. The author believes it was possibly on Korriban. On Kashyyyk, an area of the Shadowlands was cut. I figure BioWare decided that only two areas for the Shadowlands is all they needed. This module has been added for you to explore and enjoy. Another Tatooine module has been added to check out that possibly was some sort of swoop track. Two areas that look like it was either used for testing or a cutscene has been added to check out. To access these modules, you must use the cheat console. Use the word [b]warp[/b] to warp to them. An example would be if you wanted to go to the Czerka Office on Tatooine real quickly, you would type [b]warp tat_m17ag[/b]. Using the warp code, type in: m19aa – Tatooine Temple m21aa – Czerka Depo m25ab – Kashyyyk Shadowland m45mg – Tatooine Swoop Track m47aa – Possible Cut Scene PLCaa – Testing Area While we’re on the subject, there is a cut module that I can think of ready to check out in your game already that you can do while you’re in the mood. tar_m10ab – A module that was cut when trying to get the Swoop Accelerator Make sure you read the readme for instructions on how to use the mod and how to install it. Enjoy the cut modules! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Happy New Year 2008! As we kick off the New Year here at KotorFiles, files will continue to come and this one is a special treat from my good friend Darth InSidious. As most of you know that during
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