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Restoration of the Black Vulkar Base

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-12 23:01:00
34 просмотра
the game's modules or visited Holowan much, you probably know what this is and can skip the paragraph I'm currently writing. If not, here's a quick rundown: originally there was another section of the Vulkar base the PC had to visit in order to retrieve the passcard that allowed access to the garage level (presumably the other two methods of entering it found on the main level would have been cut). Down there the PC would have to retrieve the passcard by hacking through some enemies or doing a quick fetch-and-retrieve quest for a spice addict who had it (not incidentally, the item to retrieve for him was spice - also guarded by enemies to hack through.) Apart from that, there was also a lab tech to play Pazaak with (s/he had a male voice actor and a female body, so that was very amusing), and a lab tech the PC could play twenty questions before leaving along or killing for no apparent reason. This all sounds rather complete, doesn't it? Actually, it was. Literally the only thing left to change by the BioWare devs would've been the appearance used for the Pazaak player (though some might prefer him/her as-is :p). It turned out they thought the extra area made the Vulkar base sequence too long, and decided to cut the area so as to make it less tedious. Following that they turned the former elevator down to the level into an armory with some moderately valuable loot, and added the option to hack the base's computer or loot a passcard off one of the Vulkars in the level to access the garage. Graciously, however, they left the module (tar_m10ab) in the game's resources once shipped. It's actually surprising it wasn't released sooner given how relatively easy the restoration is; simply removing the placeables in the elevator and adding an area transition trigger would've been enough to make it accessible without cheats. (And if you wanted to make the level necessary to visit, removing the option to disable the turrets from one of the base's computers as well as the passcard from one of the Vulkars.) Anyways, after around 4 years of everyone being too lazy to make those tweaks DarthJebus05 and Seamhainn came around and made them. Apart from changing the gender of the pazaak player to match his/her voice, it's pretty much the same as it is in the game's resources (and with reason, it really was mostly complete). Huzzah for restored content! Oh, and one thing to remember: this mod changes the dialogue.tlk file, which makes it incompatible with mods that add new planets (and thus new galaxy map descriptions) such as RedHawke's ORD Mandell mod. Note: Please remember to give the author of the mod feedback, as the download count isn't particularly verbose. Written comments tend to be much more useful and encouraging. -Emperor Devon
KotOR restoration mods have been popular of late, haven't they? Here's another one from DarthJebus05 and Seamhainn that lets you visit the (cut) third level of the Vulkar base. If you've looked in
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