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Eleven PC Species Soundsets

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-10-30 23:10:00
8 просмотров
Burtt went the extra mile to bring us original sounds for us to enjoy from weapons, and different species you get to run into. One of the things party members have in the [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] games is a sound set. Like when you’re in battle, you or your party members will make some comments while in battle or when you switch party members as they let you know they’re ready. I think the most annoying one or the one that sticks out the most is when the Disciple in [i]Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords[/i] says, “You’ve left me an opening.” That is when you want to mute your speakers, but anyway… RedRob41 is back again with another mod that adds extra sound sets you can use for either yourself or your party members. These sounds focus on the different species that you come across in the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game; the list of which ones are in included in the readme file. A must needed tool you will need to make this mod work is TK102’s [url=http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/KOTOR_and_TSL_Save_Game_Editor_English_Language_Only;68852]KSE[/url]. Of course I would imagine most of you here already have it since it is the most popular download in the site’s history. Instructions on how to use the KSE to change the soundsets are in the readme also. This will be very helpful to those with mods or use the KSE to change the appearances of your PC or party members to other species because now you can sound like them. The TSL Patcher is used to install this mod. Enjoy! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Ah yes… sound! :D Without it, experiences just wouldn’t be the same. That really holds true in the Star Wars Universe since sounds really help make Star Wars what it is thanks to Ben Burtt. Ben
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