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Armor Accurate Mandalorians

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-02 00:01:00
6 просмотров
thing because authors are feeding off each other while in the process giving downloaders more variety to check out. If you’re not wearing the Mandalorian disguise, but are wearing heavy armor that is labeled Mandalorian? Don’t you wonder why those armors don’t look like the full Mandalorian body suits? Well, 90SK seemed to notice and he decided to do something about it and this is his release to the public. The blue armor seems to be the most unchanged of three different full armor suits. They’re there; and if you look hard enough you can notice them. The breast plate resembles one of the blue heavy armors you can get in the game. The red armor no longer exists and has been replaced by lightened golden color armor. Again, the chest plate has been replaced to look like one of the heavy armors. The yellow one has had some texture alterations done to it and again the chest place resembling one of the heavy armors. It would seem the author wanted to make it look like you can run around with Mandalorian armor with or without the helmet. Even though these skins were made for the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i], you can use them in the sequel game, [i]Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords[/i]. I personally believe that was a good idea and I’m sure many people will love it and appreciate the hard work that went into this. Enjoy the new skins! [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
It seems ever since I released my Ultimate Mandalorian Mod; authors have been making new skins for the Mandalorian armors for the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game. I think that’s a good
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