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Bendak Starkiller Emblem Armor

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-04-11 00:04:00
9 просмотров
it looks more unique. Readers can see the screenshots for details. The author has added the ability to gain the armour in-game through dialogue with Ajuur the Hutt, and has also included an optional reskin and icon based on the picture of Bendak in the [i]Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide[/i]. The mod uses TSLPatcher for ease of installation. To describe this mod as well-made seems like an understatement; it is beautifully well put-together, and shows both great skill on the part of the author and an excellently selective use of that skill. In short, it is easily up to Redrob\'s usual very high standard, and a welcome addition to any Override folder. Well worth a download. [b][url=http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/news/For_Your_Ease_of_Refernece_the_Mod_Rating_System_in_a_Nutshell;39957]Mod Rating[/url]: Advanced[/b] [b]NB:[/b] Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn\'t very informative. -Darth InSidious
The player meets Bendak Starkiller on Taris, in the Upper City Cantina, wearing yellow full-body Mandalorian armour in the default game. RedRob41 is back with a mod which reskins Bendak\'s armour so
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