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Female Clothes for Classes

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-06-20 00:06:00
14 просмотров
when your female player character wakes up on the Endar Spire. What the changes are for the default clothing is based off of the female party members you pick up during the course of the game. The first game had the height system that the second game dropped. If you were a soldier, you were tall. As a scout you were medium and as a scoundrel you were short. The height differences were that much, but you could tell if you were to put them all up against each other. So putting Mission’s clothing option for the scoundrel class was fitting since she’s short. Bastila’s clothing was used for scouts. The only thing weird to me is the fact that it’s a Jedi style robe used as default clothing. But that’s just me. Juhani’s clothing is used for the soldier class. Though most people won’t notice unless pointed out to them, you will have the medium height when wearing it and then you will be tall once you start cycling through the armors and Jedi robes. The new skins for the new default clothing classes are done pretty well, except for the Juhani one. The idea is fine, I’m just very picky about reds as high contrast is a tough one to please me on. It’s like it’s almost there, but not quite. I’ve been stressing against the high contrast for the most part in the last year with re-skins and red is a must to master in my opinion because of how it looks if can’t get the contrast down on it. With this one, it’s like 85-90% there. It’s close. Overall a great effort on the new skins and I know some people will find the new clothing changes fun for those who like to play as females. :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Nightqueen is back with another mod for us to play with for the 2003 game of the year, [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i]. This one focuses on different default clothing you get to start off with
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