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Men in Black Scoundrel Suits

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-11-18 00:11:00
7 просмотров
characters to wear, complete with a white shirt, tie, black pants and a jacket. It's obviously designed as more of a joke mod than something realistic, (or at least as realistic as you can be in an unrealistic setting :p ) and it fulfills its role in that. Very funny outfit to see a character wearing in KotOR! The main problem, however, is that if you want your PC or anyone else to wear the suit you'll have to edit that into the game yourself (the suit is built off the scoundrel clothes skin, which is not used on any characters PCs included) with some oh-so-dreaded 2da editing. As a skin it's done fine; it's just the editing you'll have to do to use it yourself that's annoying. Update: Despite screenshots that show the contrary, this mod is actually for KotOR I. Disregard the previous paragraph, as the clothes replace the standard ones every scoundrel PC gets. (Though you could use it in TSL, since it's only a skin and doesn't use any models. But then you'd have to implement it into the game yourself.) Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Emperor Devon
The mod isn't exactly as the name implies, as it's more like a general type of suit than something specific from Men in Black. But anyways, that's what it does; it adds a black suit for male
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