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PC Sith Eye Replacement

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-07-26 00:07:00
9 просмотров
odd, since they don\'t have a glow to them, so your darksider\'s eyes end up looking a little bit like a cat\'s eyes. And it\'s not too creative since I believe he took the eyes from a similar mod for Darth Malak and put them on the PC\'s. The biggest problem with the mod is that it because it recolors all the PC eyes in the game, it\'s about two megs big. I don\'t know if it\'s worth downloading a two meg mod that gives your characters yellow eyes. But if you just like downloading mods, this one isn\'t bad, as it serves it\'s purpose and won\'t make your computer burst into flames. At least I don\'t think it will. Anyway, have fun with the mod! -Ifrit_Zero
Well, this is a mod that is supposed to give darkside PC\'s a more sith-like look to the eyes. Now instead of a pale-gray-tan like look to them, they have a yellow color to them. It looks a little
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