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Fixed Jedi Robe

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-11-22 00:11:00
8 просмотров
if it weren't for two things - the blue and white shades on it are all quite high without many darks. Even if the robe were made out of a pure white fabric there would still be some darks spots unless it was getting blasted by light in all possible directions, so it creates the impression the robe doesn't follow the laws of physics. But then again, in a world where people can throw objects around by manipulating life it's fairly silly of me to be talking about what's scientifically accurate. :p The other problem is the relatively low resolution of the texture. Most KotOR players from what I can tell are able to set their texture packs on high, so the robe stands out somewhat awkwardly if your textures aren't also set to low. That said, it really wouldn't be that bad if it just fixed those two issues - darker areas on the skin, and a higher resolution texture. Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Emperor Devon
It's actually more of a new skin than a fixed one, but whatever... That said, this skin replaces the normal brown Jedi robe with a new blue and white one. The skin would work out relatively well
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