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Candy Cane Sabers

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-12-28 00:12:00
10 просмотров
hilts are white with red stripes, and the blade itself is white with a touch of red thrown in. Multicolored lightsaber blades generally don\'t look very good, but I think this pulls it off decently enough. To get your character\'s lightsaber this way, you\'ll have to cheat in a candy cane crystal (the code being g_w_sbrcrstl46). Apart from the cosmetic changes, the crystal will grant a +4 bonus to your strength, wisdom and charisma scores. On its own it isn\'t *too* overpowered, though I\'d steer clear of using two lightsabers with that crystal in them. Last thing - be aware that this mod does [b]not[/b] use the TSLPatcher. This unfortunately makes it incompatible with any other mods that modify the upcrystals.2da file, WotOR (Weapons of the Old Republic) and most other mods that introduce new crystals to the game included. Perhaps we\'ll see a 1.1 version that uses the TSLPatcher? ;) Still, a suitably festive mod! Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Emperor Devon
It\'s two days late, but hey, anything before New Years is still Christmas-y enough. Anyhoo, this adds some new lightsabers to the game that as the name implies are styled after candy canes. The
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