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Movie-Style Lightsaber Retextures

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-06-26 00:06:00
14 просмотров
textures for the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game. Well, here is the thing. The author wanted to stay within the movie colors which are the blue, green, red, and purple; so there is no yellow, orange (Heart of the Guardian), and cyan (Mantle of the Force) colors. That right there will turn people away from downloading this mod. I never really used those alternate colors that were never used in George Lucas’ vision that often, but when making a mod like this, you never make the mistake of not including them as other people feel differently about those colors. The shades are different then what I had on my vision. See in my version I actually made the blades from scratch. I was so particular in matching the movies that it took me months of testing shades I made from scratch. The thing was the shading wasn’t always the same in each movie/shot. So I did make some alternate ones based off of the popular shades the movies like to use the most. I was also particular in how the blades would glow as some needed a bigger glow texture than others because of the lighting used in the coloring so they would be equal when you saw them in the game. I did have to tell the author to bring in more screenshots as he was originally going to just show off his blue and green textures. You always show off all of your work when releasing a mod as it helps sell your mod. The thing was I did close-ups on mine because I wanted to you see how smooth they were up close. The angle on some of the shots just weren’t the best selling point. The reason I bring this up as I don’t think for the most part these lightsabers are going to sell as much as they could have if the author had used better angles on his screenshots. Well, if you like what you see anyway and don’t mind not having all of the alternate colors that weren’t shown in the movies, then you may like these. Enjoy! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
You know, it’s always nice to be an inspiration to some people out there in terms of mods they want to try to make. In this situation DarthJacen decided to take a crack at making lightsaber blade
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