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Angle to Vector Calculator

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-03 22:04:00
10 просмотров
to Vector Calculator is a nifty little tool which i'm sure any area editors will find [i]very[/i] useful in their work. It basically does what it says on the tin. This tool will calculate the Orientation X and Y from an angle that you specify, there is also a "VectorToAngle" function, which you can specify the X and Y coordinates and it will calculate the angle. The [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] series has it's own orientation system. Here's a snippet from the nwscript.nss file that describes it in detail: [QUOTE]The angle is expressed as anticlockwise degrees from Due East. DIRECTION_EAST, DIRECTION_NORTH, DIRECTION_WEST and DIRECTION_SOUTH are predefined. (0.0f=East, 90.0f=North, 180.0f=West, 270.0f=South)[/QUOTE] So, if you want your character to face due North, you would enter 90 as your angle, and so on. The tool can also calculate the bearings for placeables from an angle, and vice-versa. This is a very handy tool, which is sure to save a lot of people a lot of time. [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Marius
Glovemaster is a modder and tool maker i'm sure you're already familiar with. He's graciously decided to allow us to host his modding tools, here at KotORFiles. This first tool, dubbed the Angle
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