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DarthDac's Warpband

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-05-01 22:05:00
22 просмотра
first feature of this mod is the feature I initially thought it would have. It will allow you to warp to any area in the game. Any area, on any planet. It'll take you there. As you can imagine, this can result in some odd bugs, so it's important you look at the readme, before going to certain area's in the game using this item. The second feature is something that you will already be familiar with, if you have used Darth333's Whereami Armband, for the second [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game. It allows you to open the door nearest to you. This will come in handy if you want to go somewhere, but your security skill is too low. :p Moving down the list in the dialog file, the next feature is the Alignment Adjustment. This basically allows you to gain either Light Side, or Dark Side points at will. You can choose to gain either 10, 20, 50 or 100 points. This mod also gives you the opportunity to watch any of the BIK movies in the game. You can also choose to play any mini-game, meaning you can either do a Swoop Race, or have a Pazaak Match. Very handy if you're looking to take a break from your quest and have a little fun practicing your racing or Pazaak skills. The next feature is one of the ones that can cause a lot of trouble with your save, if you don't use it properly and follow the advice the author has given in the readme file, which is below this review and included in the download. It allows you to modify your party. This means add or remove any and all your Party Members. This, like the warp feature, can be very useful, but you should be careful when using it, to avoid risking damage to a saved game you've worked hard at. Screwing up a save you've been doing well in is never fun. :p Moving straight on, the next feature is a nice useful little thing. the ability to use the Workbench whenever you want. Not much else to say about that one. :p The next feature that the author has included is the ability to switch between the battle and background music tracks at will. Again, not much else to say. :p The next feature that's in this mod is the ability to give your self XP points (Not Vista points. :p) and Credits. The XP comes in quantities of 200, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000, and 500000 and the Credits in quantities of 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000 and 100000. Imagine all the Juma juice, and Javyar's Cantina's lapdances you could buy with that... :rolleyes: The final feature of this mod is the store. This is basically what it says on the tin. This is no ordinary store, however. No no, this store will sell you [i]every[/i] item in the game. Yep you heard me right, [b]every[/b] item. This feature and the Credits feature work with each other rather well, don't you think? :p[/QUOTE] This update comes with a whole host of added features. DarthDac has obviously worked really hard on this, for a long time. The first new feature, is the option to spawn friendly NPC's to help you out in combat. This is useful for those situations where you're really outnumbered. It can make the fights a little too easy however, but as long as you don't go overboard, that shouldn't be a problem for you. The second option is the polar opposite of the first, in that it allows you to spawn hostile creatures. This can be useful if you're looking to gain some XP. Another feature that has been added, is the option to change your class. As you can imagine, this is something you should be careful with. The next option is one that allows you to turn off any music that is playing. Not sure why you'd want to play in a silent world, but that's just me. :p Next is the option to heal your whole party. This is handy, if you want to heal up and don't want to use Force Points with the Heal power, or waste a Medpac. The last option is to kill the creature nearest you. This one can be dangerous. If you kill an NPC who is needed for the plot, you will screw up your save. Use this wisely. Well, that's it. The author is obviously dedicated to this mod, so feedback will no doubt be appreciated. [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Marius
DarthDac has returned again, with an update for his Warpband mod. This update adds several new features to the armband. Here is the original review, to refresh your memory of the mod. [QUOTE]The
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