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Return to Castle Wolfenstein Enemy Territory

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Всего материалов:  2153

Penemuende (Beta 1)

Добавил: The DSystem
7 просмотров
ENGLISH VERSION =================== Penemuende Penemuende is an Enemy Territory Multiplayer Map. Supported Gametypes: Campaign, Objective, Stopwatch Mapname: penemuende_b1 Betaversion 1 Timelimit: 20 min Axis respawntime: 25 s

Flat Sniper

Добавил: The DSystem
12 просмотров
----------------------------------------------------------------- [UJE] Flat sniper - FINAL ----------------------------------------------------------------- Map made by [UJE]Niek ----------------------------------------------------------

The Holy Grail (Beta 7)

Добавил: The DSystem
13 просмотров
A Docs-style map (two stages of 'docs'), Allies on the attack, Axis defending. Designed for 3v3 plus players. 1) Allies should blow (dyno) main entrance and/or cloister door to gain access to cathedral. Cloister door can be rebuilt by Axis. 2) T

Oldskool Sniper

Добавил: The DSystem
9 просмотров
The students of this skool are bored. So they do some afterskool sniping. When youre inside the skool you won't get bored because there is music. A drained river splits both shores, so there can be lot's of fun trying to cross to the other site, but

Jaymod 2.1.2 (Beta)

Добавил: The DSystem
16 просмотров
"Both branches include a security fix to address a client-side command weakness which can harm servers. Highlights for experimental release 2.1.2 include: Omni-bot 0.61 support Compass enhancements and transparency fixes A new fully oriented

Jaymod 2.0.5 (Stable)

Добавил: The DSystem
16 просмотров
Omni-bot 0.61 support Compass enhancements and transparency fixes A new fully oriented (3-axis) hitmode Fixed bug where new landmines would jitter Restored !listplayers to old style, added !lsplayers Extra correctness for fair-rifles mode

Waving Grass

Добавил: The DSystem
10 просмотров
For more information on Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, visit http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com

Karsiah TE (Beta 2)

Добавил: The DSystem
8 просмотров
Map: Karsiah Author: Henri 'Nenquel' Karhula E-Mail: henri.karhula@gmail.com Date of Release: 28. March 2007 (Karsiah_te2) -------------------------------------------------------- Map Information: Timelimit: 15min Attacking Team: Allies A

Battle of Wolken 1 (Beta 1)

Добавил: The DSystem
10 просмотров
Author: Chris Turner (chr1s) Email: turnerc03@hotmail.com Map name: Battle of Wolken1 (First Encounter) Map version: Beta 1 ***WOLKEN BACKGROUND*** These maps are set in the vast land of Wolken, the soldiers were dumped in this mysterious la

uran project (Beta 3)

Добавил: The DSystem
9 просмотров
Uranproject Beta 3 learning mapping, making this map took over 350 hours - hope you have fun with it! if you found some bugs or have some suggestions post it in www-dark-alchemy.com forums or e-mail: ischbinzz@hotmail.com known issue

страница:   1... 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79... 216
Всего материалов:  2153