An Axis skin which makes the player blend into snow terrain better, the author used based it on the Venom skin. Note that it doesnt work on non-pure servers
A nice winamp skin showing an ingame screenie of what looks like a room with a map on the wall and a soldier. [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory.
A winamp skin showing two different Wolfenstein logos on a black background. [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory. You don't need to unzip the .zip
A winamp skin featuring a big guy in lots of armor. [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory. You don't need to unzip the .zip files! Then run winamp
A winamp skin featuring the guy with the flame thrower :) [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory. You don't need to unzip the .zip files! Then run