A winamp skin showing a flame thower close up and a red RTCW logo. [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory. You don't need to unzip the .zip files!
A skin showing an Officer with a red tan to it. [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory. You don't need to unzip the .zip files! Then run winamp and
A winamp skin showing a red RTCW logo on a grey background. [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory. You don't need to unzip the .zip files! Then run
A winamp skin showing a golden RTCW logo. [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory. You don't need to unzip the .zip files! Then run winamp and press
Winamp skin featurng the E3 Booth Babes. [b]How to install:[/b] Place the .zip file in your Program FilesWinampSkins directory. You don't need to unzip the .zip files! Then run winamp and press
Well, Well, another revealing skin for all you horny young dogs out there. This one is a little more tasteful in bikinis made by MISO SIRU. Nice looking work MISO!! P.S. due to the auto-resize
**warning** This mod contains nudity and might be considered offencive to some! **warning** It modifies the elite guard skin and takes off the tops. Installing this skin will definetly get
-*WARNING*- This Expansion pack contains adult material. The author is not responsible for possible damage by installation and/or use. Use at your own risk. -*WARNING*- With this expansion