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Bespin: Escape

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-06-18 22:06:00
7 просмотров
things. The new terrain looks much better than the previous version, and the selection screen movie is well done. As stated below in the readme, the changes are as follows- [quote]Terrain texture and colour changed View distance increased Each team has now got two controlled CP's each Planning paths have been improved with routes leading up two seperate walkways More intense battles Sniper hintnodes added More objects added to the Courtyard and Plaza areas, plus a few surprises Selection screen movie changed[/quote] Try it out if you liked the previous version, or if you're looking for a good, well thought out and executed Bespin map. -Jedikiller
Bespin: Escape 2.5 is an updated version of Jendo7's popular map of the same name. It's had some changes since it's previous version, incorporating what was suggested in the last review, among other
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