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Canyon Ambush

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-10-30 23:10:00
23 просмотра
this site you should be well acquainted with. This map contains a lot of very flat terrain over a huge distance, some of which is interspersed with random props. There are some collections of buildings, presumably cities, at opposing ends of the map. There are a bunch of turrets and constructable items randomly placed throughout the map, most of which at locations which don\'t really do much for either side. There are a lot of control points, some of which are on hills which are very flat. There is also a canyon running through the center of the map, presumably lending the map its name. There is a control point in the canyon as well, which can be rather contested and hard to fight in due to a real absence of cover on the map. Overall, this is a pretty standard first map - it makes a lot of design decisions that don\'t really work out for the player, and the overall cohesiveness of the design is rather low. If you\'re desperately looking for a map, then give this a download, but otherwise there\'s not much to draw you in here. - Jedikiller
Canyon Ambush, a map by grayo03, is a rather large map that appears to be set on Geonosis, a place of many first maps. Presumably, this is a first map as well, which if you\'ve spent a lot of time on
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