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Ord Mantell Forgotten Groves

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-02-16 23:02:00
4 просмотра
time of posting this up, just CW). The Clone Wars sides all have camoflague gear, which has its ups and downs - it fits with the battles occuring in the centre of the map. However, the camoflague sticks out like a sore thumb in the city areas. Some of the bojects did not make sense - seeing plants growing inside a platfor imported from Bespin was a bit odd, and there was a building near the LAAT/I Crash Site that was actually sideways - attached to anotehr building, with a small tower incorrectly aligned so you could see the bottom of it. For some reason the gunships also lacked sound, and I never saw an AT-TE in the AT-TE drop-zone, nor did I see a crashed LAAT/i in the Crash Zone. Other than these, I would recommend this map to players of SWBF1, as well as _Dread's future maps - this looks to be one promising outing. -ggctuk [quote]So here it is my Ord Mantell Forgotten Groves map!!! I know some of you will say:"why didn't you do this map for BF2???" Beacause I didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So don't go on my Nerves i will import it for BF2 as soon as I can,okay?[/quote]
This is version 1.1 of "Ord Mantell - Forgotten Groves". It is a massive map, After playing it I must say this is a fairly good map. There are custom sides included (I did not play GCW era at the
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